A “first dollar” was recently presented to Jessica Dibble, left, owner of Northern Tails Pet Resort located in Thompson Township. Dibble is a licensed veterinary technician and a certified dog trainer.

Check out Manistique’s community calendar at www.discovermanistique.com to find the dates and times Northern Tails offers leveled training classes. Northern Tails also boasts heated indoor runs of all sizes, each kennel having its own large outdoor run, the owner living on the premises, a large outdoor play area, daily walks for each dog, and fully furnished suites. Find more at www.northerntailspetresort.com or by calling (906) 286-3065. At right is Alan Barr, executive director of the Schoolcraft County Economic Development Corporation.
*This article was originally published in the Pioneer Tribune. Click here to learn more about their online subscription to follow more local news.