Just 5 miles out of town on Indian Lake, you’ll find eleven charming 1920’s style log cabins called Hovey’s Bear Trap. New owners JD & Angie Durant moved from Lomira, WI to make their dream of owning a resort into a reality.

Since the purchase of the property, with the help of many friends and family, they have made extensive improvements such as new furnaces, water heaters, insulation, stoves and much more to make the cabins available year round.
Out of the eleven cabins they plan to reserve one as a common area for guests which will include TV and games, another will be turned into a bath house including a sauna for guests to enjoy, two more cabins will be available as primitive rentals with no bathroom and the use of gas lights and reserving another as an office and Young Living Essential Oils classroom.
Along with their rentals, they plan to make the resort available to host family reunions, graduation parties and even weddings in the future where the sunsets are stunning and would make someone’s special day unforgettable.
We wish JD & Angie the best and look forward to their continuing improvements and plans! You can find Hovey’s Bear Trap online at www.hoveysbeartrap.com and on Facebook at @HoveysBearTrap. To make reservations call 906-286-4089, email jd.angie@hoveysbeartrap.com or visit their website.
*This article was originally published by the Pioneer Tribune. Click here to learn more about their online subscription to follow more local news.